
Monday, August 26, 2019

Welcome to the future. The future is Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

This is not a post about creating something like Skynet. No one wants that. This is about how accessible edge computing and programming connected devices have gotten. So recently I've bought a Jetson Nano and acquired a MXCHIP IoT DevKit.

Jetson Nano

So what can it do?? Take a ML model and do some inference. I always felt that the Cloud is slow. Machines are fast, Data centers are fast, Networks are fast, but the internet is unpredictable. So take trained models and use it on the edge device (Jetson Nano) to get your output (the predicted value). I'm unsure what I'll make with the IoT DevKit, but there are a lot of projects to try.

Jetson Nano Projects
IoT DevKit Projects

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Sometimes I go to Vimeo

I was watching a Vimeo video today and wondered why my player looked weird. Then I remembered that I made a downloader script last year. I still need to clean up the player controls some more.

p.s. The file urls can be found in in the json response from the config_url